Wednesday 19 December 2018

latest general knowledge questions

latestgeneral knowledge questions

Heliodorus's Besnagar Garud Pillar Inscription (Second half of 2nd century BC) This pillar inscription latestgeneral knowledge questions is situated in Besnagar village (Bhilsa district, Madhya Pradesh). This inscribed pillar was erected by Heliodorus (an ambassador sent by Antiolcides (115 BC-110 BC), the Indo-Bactrian ruler, to the court of Bhagabhadra, the Shung king) in front of the Vishnu Temple.whatis the meaning of general knowledge In this inscription Heliodorus called himself 'Bhagwat' that confirms that he was the follower of Bhagwat religion. This pillar was sciencegeneral knowledge surmounted by a sculpture of Garud and was dedicated to the god Vishnu. It generalquiz questions and answers confirms the religious impact of India on Greeks.

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